Taking into account your personal situation and your goals, an investment plan is constructed to match your required return. Your portfolio is constantly monitored and fund changes are made when necessary.
Before retirement date we assist in structuring your finances so that, you will be able to receive your required monthly income at retirement. Through careful planning and models, we are able to determine the level of income that is sustainable through your retirement. We focus our efforts on retirement income that will be a growing income stream where possible.
Together we will review your plan and portfolio so that they continue to reflect your needs, track your progress and help you make adjustments as necessary.
We pride ourselves in being able to offer our clients access to institutional fund managers and hence offering lower/reduced fund management fees.
Talk to us about Tax Smart investing.
We assist clients in taking part of their discretionary money offshore for diversification purposes. The global markets offer more investment opportunities than can be found locally. Investment Facilitators has access to some of the best fund managers in the world
Wealth protection is all about reducing the risks associated with wealth accumulation and the protection of what you have already acquired. This is done through Life cover, Disability protection or Severe Illness.
One of the most important things you will do in your life is to ensure you have a valid will, that reflects your wishes. Should something happen unexpectedly and you die without a will (dying intestate), your family will face difficulties; possible legal, tax and administration issues, as well as the risk of the wrong people inheriting your hard-earned cash.
Short-Term Insurance
This includes insurance on vehicle, property, household, medical, personal liability, travel and business insurance.© 2020. BY DAVID MASON
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